Photo courtesy of Varsity Vantage

The girls golf team has a new look. Not only has a completely new class of golfers been added to this increasingly dangerous team but every tournament the girls are able to put out a different lineup. 

The constant for the squad has been sophomore Lily Patel who plays in every tournament and has safely held her first seed ranking throughout her first two seasons with the Blue Devils. However, head coach Jayne Summers wants to make sure that every athlete who comes out for the golf team gains practical experience. She explained that six golfers are able to play in the first lineup, and the top four scores count towards Westfield’s total score. While Patel stays as a lock in the first slot, the next two golfers are chosen from their practice and recent match scores. The fifth and sixth spots are chosen by the coaches. What really has made this team special is filling that fourth slot.     

Summers opened up the fourth spot to an anonymous team vote. Each player sends in a name of who they want to represent the squad during the upcoming tournament. In a traditionally individualistic game, coach Summers thinks this has been very eye-opening. Summers said as the season has continued, the players are constantly sending in different teammates, truly making sure that everyone is able to participate in the matches. “It really helps knowing the people support you when you’re the team pick.” First-hand experience is unmatched when it comes to golf, and each player takes that seriously.   

When it comes to technique, each player has been working on honing their technique. Patel in particular has been practicing her putting, and she has a similar approach to many professionals. “I’d get lag putts like 20 feet and was able to get them within 2 feet and make the par putt.” Lag putts, coach Summers went on to explain, are putts from a far distance that do not seem makeable, but the golfer is able to put the ball within tap-in range from the cup. 

This emphasis on greens as well as the “dialing in of [her] irons” is what makes Patel an excellent player and carry a large stature on a smaller roster. However, with the changing lineup, each player has been able to contribute to the team atmosphere and has propelled the team to victory early in the season. On April 17, the Blue Devils came out with a close 215-220 victory over Cranford. This is Cranford’s first season with a full roster, and Summers thinks the interest in the game is a great start to make golf more accessible for everyone. “Persistence and perseverance, and honesty and integrity. These are pretty good life skills that the game of golf has.” Golf teaches more than just technique, and these life skills being available to young women is a new step for these players and the golf community. 

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