Westfield Finishes Sixth in Group 3 Championship

Forty-six teams, hundreds of athletes, four state championships, one bowling alley; everything…

Westfield Falls Short Against Rival New Providence With 46–34 Loss in UCT Final

New Providence called a timeout with a few minutes remaining in the…

Summit’s Strong Start Helps It Walk Away From McInnis Cup Final Unblemished

Fans piled into Richard J. Codey Arena awaiting the McInnis Cup final…

In McInnis Cup Semifinals, Westfield Gets the Last Laugh Against West Essex

Michael Wilson got the puck on the left wing. He scanned the…

Westfield Stops Verona in Its Tracks and Advances to McInnis Cup Semifinals

The Verona forward picked up the puck in the Westfield defensive zone…

Revengeful Westfield Downs Summit in 3-1 Thriller

Daniel Duffy had the puck in the Summit neutral zone. He skated…

Westfield Gets off the Schneid With 4-2 Win Over Verona

Verona fans began to pack the zoo, as they filed in behind…